.November 2024.
~ never underestimate the daylight ~
…. I didn’t get out much this month, the majority of the photos are from one day; collectively maybe 5? Walking Eastbound down Bloor from High Park I set out with three rolls and my new Minolta AF-C to hit the street. I’m starting to practice shooting less rolls - only 8 this month; not bad right?? It’s funny though, you never really get comfortable shooting strangers, it’s a thrill, but it often takes - at least for me - one or two rolls to get in that zone flow-state when you just let it rip. Not to mention where or who you may find yourself with by just simply getting outside… it is amazing, every time something interesting happens - BIG or small. By the time I found myself at Christie Pits I was already through the better end of my last roll and not really feeling great about what I was shooting or how and then only to find out the Bill 212 protest was about to start. So I hustled to Annex Photo just past Bathurst to stock up. Made it happen and got fully invested into the remainder of the day all while letting it flow.
Again, for not getting out much I feel very confident in the shots. Continued growth is evident - trusting the process, trying new techniques, getting comfortable with flash, and shooting any situation. On my last day out I felt I still had to crunch some work, get outside and capture more shots for myself, I wasn’t fulfilled and needed some creative inspiration - all month now battling the fading light and how little is available.. this time walking from High Park to Memento Film lab down Dundas.
On a cold afternoon there weren’t too many people out and about on Dundas; so I started to look inward. Peering through store-front windows working with reflections mimicking double exposures, or battling for a clear shot of some random interaction between workers and customers. There’s a lesson in here somewhere about being outside but looking inward.. I’ll spare us the poetics and philosophy… Along my journeys I also have become very curious about graffiti on old pay phones and post-office boxes. Once upon a time I was a delinquent scribbler and skater so perhaps it’s the return to street culture via a new lens that I continue to find interesting perspectives… is there some deeper meaning here? or maybe everything isn’t that deep… I digress.
There is once again a lot to feast on below, and although many photos may work well as a complimentary body. I believe there are more than a handful of strong shots in this Monthly 35mm. Feedback is always welcome! and if you ever want a print I would be happy to oblige! Also, I can’t emphasize enough that if you have a computer view through there instead of the phone!
por siempre y para siempre
Kodak Colour 200
Kodak Ultramax 400
Ilford Delta 400